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在這個章節,我們要來介紹物件導向程式設計 (Object-oriented programming),物件導向程式設計可以幫助你更有效地管理程式碼。

讓我們舉個例子。假設我們有三支不同的手機,分別用變數 alphaPhoneXalphaPhoneYalphaPhoneZ 來表達:

之前我們提到物件通常用來表達一組完整的概念,例如一支智慧型手機通常都會包含名稱、價格、特色等,按照過去的方法,我們可以直接用 object literal 建立物件:

let alphaPhoneX = {
  name: 'AlphaPhoneX',
  price: 14999,
  features: ['long battery life', 'AI camera']
  showPhoneInfo: function () {
    console.log(`The price of ${} is ${this.price}, which has the newest features such as ${this.features.join(', ')}.`)


let alphaPhoneX = {
  name: 'AlphaPhoneX',
  price: 14999,
  features: ['long battery life', 'AI camera']
  showPhoneInfo: function () {
    console.log(`The price of ${} is ${this.price}, which has the newest features such as ${this.features.join(', ')}.`)

let alphaPhoneY = {
  name: 'AlphaPhoneY',
  price: 18900,
  features: ['water proof', 'high screen resolution']
  showPhoneInfo: function () {
    console.log(`The price of ${} is ${this.price}, which has the newest features such as ${this.features.join(', ')}.`)

let alphaPhoneZ = {
  name: 'AlphaPhoneZ',
  price: 23900,
  features: ['IP47', 'high screen resolution', 'full display']
  showPhoneInfo: function () {
    console.log(`The price of ${} is ${this.price}, which has the newest features such as ${this.features.join(', ')}.`)

用這種方式重覆宣告新物件會有幾個壞處:1) 重複本身浪費時間;2) 光是 3 支手機就寫了一堆程式碼,難以想像有上百支手機時會需要維護多少程式碼;3) 無法確保每個人在宣告新物件時,都會用同樣的屬性名稱。

這時候我們會導入物件導向的概念,先統一為手機物件建立一個抽象化的簡單模型,然後在程式中使用此模型來快速建立結構一致的手機物件實例 (instance)。